10th English : The Last Lesson
Unit 6.1 > The Last Lesson
Warm Up
A. Fill the globe with an acrostic poem,
![]() | Peace Day poem: People come together putting an End to all the disputes All equal and fair Coming up with opportunities Enriching themselves |
B. How con you make the world a better place?
![]() | I can make the world a better place by,
C. What does the picture symbolise?
![]() | The picture symbolizes a symbol of peace originated with early Christians, Who portrayed the act of baptism accompanied by a dove holding an olice branch in its back |
D. Find the names of the various UN organizations with the logo given below and fill in the blanks.
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The International Labor Organization logo. | ‘The World Food Programme logo | The United Nations Emblem. |
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The United Nations Children’s Fund logo. | United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights logo | The World Health organisation logo. |
chirping (v) | making a short, sharp high pitched sound (usually by small. birds or insects) | பறவைகள் அல்லது பூச்சிகளின் கீச்சிலிடும் சத்தம |
bustle (v) | move in an energetic manner | சுறுசுறுப்பாக அசைதல் |
unison (n) | simultaneous utterance of words | ஒத்த வகையில் வார்த்தைகளை சொல்லுதல் |
rapping (v) | striking with a series of rapid audible blows | தொடர்ச்சியாக, வேகமாக குட்டுதல் |
thumbed (v) | a book which has been read often and bearing the marks of frequent handling | ஒரு புத்தகம் அடிக்கடி வாசிக்கப்படுவதால் அதைப் பயன்படுத்திய அடையாளங்களை தாங்கியுள்ளது |
cranky (adj.) | strange | விசித்திரமான |
Saar | a river in northeastern France and western Germany | வடகிழக்கு பிரான்சிலும் மேற்கு ஜெர்மெனிலும் உள்ள ஒரு நதி |
Angelus (n) | a Roman Catholic devotion commemorating the Incarnation of Jesus and including the Hail Mary, said at morning, noon, and sunset. | இயேசுவின் அவதாரமாகிய மரியாள் உட்பட, ஒரு ரோமன் கத்தோலியர்களின் பக்தி காலை, மதியம் மற்றும் சூரியன் மறையும் வேளையில் இருக்கும் என்று கூறினார் |
“Vive la France!” | is an expression used in French to show patriotism. It›s difficult to translate the term literally into English, but it generally means “Long live France!” | தேசப்பற்று காட்ட பிரஞ்சு பயன்படுத்தப்படும் வெளிப்பாடு ஆகும். இந்த வார்த்தையை ஆங்கிலத்தில் மொழிபெயர்ப்பது கடினம், ஆனால் இதன் பொருள் பொதுவாக “நீண்ட காலம் வாழ்க பிரான்ஸ்!” |
A. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences:
1. Why did Franz dread to go to school that day?
Franz is a lazy but sensitive boy, Hedislikes studying French and hates his teacher M.Hamel, That morning, he was scared as he was late for school. Also, as their teacher M.Hamel had announced the previous day that he would test them on the topic of ‘participles’ and Prone did not know anything at all, so he was scared.
2. What were the various things that tempted Franz to spend his day outdoors?
Franz had another option in his mind – to miss school and enjoy the day out in the warm and bright weather. He described the scene – there were birds chirping on the trees and the noise of the Prussian soldiers doing the drill behind the sawmill could also be heard.
3. Why was the narrator not able to get to his desk without being seen?
The day was unusual as there was no such sound coming out of the school and it seemed that the school was closed as it used to be on a Sunday morning. Franz had planned that he would take cover under the commotion and reach the class without being noticed but that was not possible.
4. What was Frank sorry for?
Franz was ashamed of being late and feared a scolding as he had to enter the classroom in front of everyone. Franz regretted for not being serious towards studies and for wasting his time in hunting bird’s eggs,
5. Why were the old villagers sitting in the last desk?
The old villagers sitting in the last desk had come to pay respect and thank M.Hamel for his service of forty years in that school. Also, they wanted to show respect to their country and were sad as their mother tongue – French would no longer be taught to them.
6. What were the thoughts of the narrator’s parents?
M.Hamel said that Frane’s parents were not interested in getting him educated. They wanted him to work at a farm or a mill and earn some money.
7. Why does M. Hamel say that we must guard our language?
M.Hamel went on to talk of the French language, saying that it was the most beautiful language in the world – the clearest, the most logical. That they must guard it among them because when people are enslaved, as long as they bold fast to their language it 1s as if they had the key to their prison.
8. M. Hamel was gazing at many things. What were they?
He was gazing at the different things in the classroom in succession, He stood at the desks in the classroom, the walnut trees in the garden outside had grown taller, the hopvine on the outer wall of the school building had climbed up to the roof.
9. When and how did M. Hamel bid farewell to the class?
When M. Hamel heard the trumpets, he stood up very pale to show respect and he wrote the words “Vive La France” meaning “Long Live’ France” on the blackboard and he left the class.
B. Answer the following questions in about 100-150 words:
1.. We appreciate the value of something only when we are about to lose it, Explain this with reference to the French language and M.Hamel.
Franz peeped inside the class and saw his classmates seated and M.Hamel, them teacher walking in the class with the ruler made of iron placed under his arm. Franz feared a beating. Franz found it strange as M.Hamel did not say anything and he was confused and could not figure out what was happening that day. Just then M.Hamrel told them that it was their last lesson in French as the Prussians in Berlin had ordered that French language would no longer be taught. Franz regretted for not being serious towards studies and wasting his time. M Hamel said to Franz that he would not scold him as now he had realized bis mistakes He told the lass that the enemies would laugh at them and said that they only showed to be Frenchmen as they could neither speak nor write their own language as being the most beautiful, clearest and most logical language in the world, He told them to guard it among themselves because when people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it as if they had the key to their prison, The teacher took a lesson in grammar, That day Franz was surprised that he understood the lesson with ease and felt he had been attentive. This shows the value of something is. appreciated only when we lose it. |
2. Give an account of the last day of M.Hamel in school.
M. Hamel had been there for forty years as a French teacher. He was full of grief, nostalgia and patriotism. As a mark of respect to his hardwork, the village men also attended his “last lesson”. They were sad as they did not team their mother tongue, French in their childhood. M.Hamel told them that they all were at fault for not being eager enough to learn, putting it off to the next day. He blamed himself for not teaching them sincerely, His patriotism was reflected in his praise for the French language being the most beautiful and logical language in the world. He told the class to guard their language as being close to one’s language is the key to escape from the poison of slavery, M.Hamel was gazing at one after other in the classroom. M.Hamel began to speak alter the sound of trumpets but could not continue as he was overpowered by his emotions. He took a piece of chalk and wrote the words “Viva La France” meaning “Long Live France” on the blackboard. Then he stopped writing and signaled the students to make a move. |
C. In column A are some of the idiomatic phrases from the essay. Match them with equivalent single words in column B:
A | B | Ans |
go far | reveal | succeed |
blow up | submit | exploed |
show up | explode | require |
call on | succeed | reveal |
break off | finish | finish |
knuckle under | require | submit |
D. Frame sentences of your own using the above idiomatic phrases.
- He goes for a job as a delivery driver.
- The boiler blew up, wrecking the whole house.
- I will be very surprised if they show up on time.
- The human rights group has called on the US to end the death penalty.
- The two countries have broken off diplomatic relations.
- He wasn’t going to knuckle under some work
E. Given below are some idiomatic phrases. Find the meaning of it using the dictionary:
- put on – start wearing something
- walk away – to leave a place, situation or person
- come in – enter; arrive
- time out – time for rest away from one’s usual work
- try again – way of encouraging someone to do something
- go on – continue
Listen to the article titled “Remembering Nel Jayaraman”
In pairs, present an interview. One student will be the interviewer and the other would be Nel Jayaraman himself. Two sets of conversations has been given as examples for your help
Student A : (interviewer) – Vanakkam sir. For what cause do you organise festivals?
Student B : ( NJ) – I organise these festivals with a difference. I present seeds to all the participating farmers.
Student A : (interviewer) – Oh ! That’s really good, Sir. What do you expect in
return ?
Student B : ( NJ) – In return I expect them to have double the harvest next year.
Student A : (interviewer) – Where did you organise the NEL festival ?
Student B : ( NJ) – The NEL festival was organised at Thanjavur
Student A : (interviewer) – Can you mention how many people congregated for the meeting ?
Student B : (NJ) – More than 5000 people congeregated for the meeting
Student A : (interviewer) – What did you distribute to the farmers?
Student B : (NJ) – Traditional paddy seeds were distributed to the farmers.
Student A : (interviewer) – How did you commute to each these villages?
Student B : (NJ) – If People called me asking for number of varieties of seeds, I will god directly to see to it that they got what they wanted.
Student A : (interviewer) – Ayya, Do you plan your schedules ?
Student B : ( NJ) – No. I don’t plan my schedules.
Student A : (interviewer) – How could you remain so cool an clam sir?
Student B : ( NJ) – I have an alternative to slove each and every problem.
Student A : (interviewer) – Where was your heart and soul?
Student B : (NJ) – My heart and soul was with the puddy fields.
Student A : (interviewer) – People say when your popularity grew, you spent less time in the field ?
Student B : (NJ) – No, I spent more time in the field. Beacause that’s where my heart was.
Student A : (interviewer) – What is your message to the world?
Student B : ( NJ) – Work selflessly for the society, it wll give back.
Student A : (interviewer) – Thank you, Sir. Nandri
Student B : (NJ) – Nandri.
A road map is given below. Answer the questions that follow with the help of the road map. Work in pairs and discuss to give directions to et to one place from another.
1. You are at the market, You need directions to go to the pharmacy,
Step into George Street. Turn left and walk along, Miss the two right cuts. Turn at the third right cut into South Road. Walk along. Next to the hospital to your left, you find the pharmacy.
2. You are in a book shop, Ask your partner to direct you to the Art Gallery.
Step into Park Street, Walk towards the market turn right into George Street, Walk past the four cross roads. To your left opposite to the Gift Shop is the Art Gallery.
3. Give your partner the directions to go from the Bank to the hotel.
Step into Park Street. Turn left and walk to the end of the road. Turn night into George Street, Miss the North Road cutting and walk along. The hotel is to your right opposite to the Bakery
4. Direct your partner from the post office to the market,
Step into Central Avenue, Turn right and walk along. Turn right into the Park Street, Miss the four road junction. Continue walking. To your left is the market.
5. Your partner wants to go the library from school, Give suitable directions.
Step into central Avenue Tum right. Turn into the left cutting North Road, Walk straight till you reach the junction. Turn left at the junction into George Street. To your right is the Library.
Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow:
1. Fill in the blanks.
- Festive of light is the festival which fills. Gur hearts with delight
- The joy of giving is referred to as a festival of sacrifice.
2. What kind of joy is unfurled during the festival of sacrifice?
The joy of giving is the kind of joy unfurled during the festival of sacrifice
3. How can we make our life worth living?
We can make our life worth living by celebrating the festivals.
4, What does the poet mean by ‘Festival of flowers?
“Festival of flowers” mean life brightens up with colours.
5, When are we in a state of trance?
At the festival of dance, we are in a state of trance.
6. What do the people do when the festival of music is celebrated?
When the festival of music & celebrated people will sing the joyous lyric.
7. What makes us happy and free; according to the poet?
According to the poet, to share a word with love makes us happy and free.
8, Find out the rhyme scheme employed in the fourth stanza.
9, Pick out the rhyming words from the first stanza of the poem,
- harvest – best.
- light – delight
10. Write down the words that alliterate in the poetic lines below.
- Festival of Flowers
- That spreads treasures on a tree
A. Fill in the blanks appropriately
- Mahatma Gandhi is the father of our nation.
- There are ten dogs in my street.
- They have to write the exercises neatly.
- Butter milk is good for health.
- Fruits are good for health.
B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb:
- The quality of dal is not good.
- The horse carriage is at the door.
- My friend and teacher have come.
- Is your father and mother at home?
- Honour and glory is his reward.
- The ship with its crew is sailing good.
- Gullivers Travels is an excellent story.
- Neither food nor water is found here.
- Mathematics is a branch of study.
- Fifteen minutes is allowed to read the question paper.
D. Identify the non-finites in the following sentences and underline them
1. Roshan dreams of becoming an architect.
- Roshan dreams of becoming an architect. (participle)
2. We must aim at fulfilling Dr. APJ Abdul kalam’s dream to make India the most developed country by 2020.
- We must aim at fulfilling Dr. APJ Abdul kalam’s dream to make India the most developed country by 2020. (participle)
3. Taking the children to the museum is Seema’s responsibility.
- It is Seema’s responsibility to take the children to the museum (infintive)
4. Having finished the work, the manager decided to return home.
- Having finished the work, the manager decided to return home. (participle)
5. Travelling with her family, Tara enjoyed every minute of it
- Traveling with her family, Tara enjoyed every minute of it. (Gerund)
E. Fill in the blank with the correct alternative:
- Having played on the flute, Krishna returned it. {played/having played}
- We wish she continues being healthy. (being /be}
- The doctor advised him against wandering in the sun. {wander / wandering}
- I like drinking rasam. {drinking / drink}
- Having used the scissors I returned it to her. {using / having used}
F. Says the correct sentences:
1. I had desired to eat a cake. ( T )
I had desired to have eaten cake.
2. My son is fond of music. ( T )
My son is found to music.
3. Sreena avoids eating fruits. ( T )
Sreena avoids to eat fruits.
4. Bravery is not to pick a quarrel. ( T )
Bravery is not picking a quarrel.
5. It is easier to say than do. ( T )
It is easier said than done.
சில பயனுள்ள பக்கங்கள்