Lesson 2.1 Trip to Ooty
Lesson 2.1 > Trip to Ooty
Work in groups. Look at the pictures. Describe them.
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This is a river. People enjoy boat ride. It may be a tourist place | This is a park. Lot of children are there. They are playing happily. |
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This is a picnic spot. A family is enjoying there. All are very happy. | This is a tourist spot. There is a sea shore temple. All are enjoying the place. |
Now, discuss the following questions in pairs and share your ideas with the class.
1. Where would you like to go for a picnic?
நீங்கள் எங்கே சுற்றுலா செல்ல விரும்புகிறீர்கள்?
I would like to go to Kashmir.
நான் காஷ்மீர் செல்ல விரும்புகிறேன்.
2. Would you like to go with your friends or parents?
உங்கள் நண்பர்களுடன் செல்ல விரும்கிறீர்களா அல்லது பெற்றோருடனா?
I would like to go with my friends.
நான் எனது நண்பர்களுடன் செல்ல விரும்புகிறேன்.
3. How do you prepare yourself for a picnic?
நீங்கள் எப்படி சுற்றுலா செல்லதத் தாயாராவீர்கள்
I prepare a list of things according to my schedule. I pack them neatly.
என்னுடைய பயணத்திட்டத்தின்படி நான் எடுத்துச் செல்ல வேண்டிய பொருட்களின் பட்டியலைத் தயார் செய்வேன். பொருட்கள் அனைத்தையும் மிகச் சரியாகக் கட்டி வைப்பேன்.
4. Why do we arrange educational trip in schools?
எதனால் நாம் பள்ளியில் கல்விச்சுற்றுலா செல்ல ஏற்பாடு செய்கிறோம்
We arrange educational trip in schools in order to gain knowledge about the places. The trips give us more pleasure also.
பல இடங்களைப் பற்றிய அறிவைப் பெறுவதற்காக பள்ளிகளில் கல்வி பயணத்தை ஏற்பாடு செய்கிறோம். மேலும் இந்தப் பயணங்கள் எங்களுக்கு அதிக மகிழ்ச்சியையும் தருகின்றன.
Section I
Read the following questions and answer them.
1. Where did the boys and girls go?
The boys and girls went to Ooty by the toy train.
2. Why did Muthu say that he could walk along its side?
Muthu said that he could walk along its (the train’s) side because the train was going slow.
3. Why did the girls snigger?
When Muthu wanted to walk along the train’s side, his teacher forced him to go back his seat. So the girls sniggered.
Mesh | Material made of a network of wire or thread | கம்பி வலை அல்லது நூல் வலை |
Swaying | Moving slowly or rhythmically | மெதுவாக அசைந்து செல்லுதல் |
Snaking | Moving like a snake | பாம்பு போல செல்லுதல் |
Sniggered | Laughed in a half suppressed way | வாயை அடக்கிக் கொண்டு சிரித்தல் |
Section II
Discuss and answer the following questions.
1. Why did the girl scream?
The girl screamed because a monkey tried to snatch the banana from her.
2. Why did Muthu and his friends step out of the train?
The train stopped suddenly. To know the reason, Muthu and his friends stepped out of the train.
3. Describe the beauty of the blue mountain.
The misty purple-blue mountains form a lovely backdrop to the green fields and tea estates.
Clinging | Fitting closely to the body | உடலுடன் ஒட்டி இருத்தல் |
Scream | Cry in a high pitch | வீல் என்று கத்துதல் |
Snatch | Quickly seize (someone) in a rude or eager way | பிடுங்குதல் |
Entranced | Filled (someone) with wonder and delight, holding their entire attention | பரவசநிலை அடைதல் |
Thud | Av dull sound, as that of a heavy object striking a solid surface | பெரிய பொருள் தலையில் விழும் சப்தம் |
Section III
Think and answer.
1. What made the trip a memorable one?
The toy train, the wind-swept tea estates, cloud covered mountains, the swaying trees and the beautiful scenery made the trip a memorable one.
8. What does the phrase ‘presence of mind’ mean? Explain the phrase using Muthu’s action.
The phrase ‘presence of mind’ means “the ability to act quickly and make good decisions”. Muthu showed the baby elephant a bunch of bananas. Just as it moved forward to eat it, he moved backwards. He kept doing this. Finally it moved out of the track. This was his presence of mind.
9. What is the difference between this toy train and a normal train?
Toy Train | Normal Train |
i) The Toy Train passes through beautiful valley, mountains and forest. | The Normal train passes through fields and villages. |
ii) It moves with a normal speed. | It moves fast. |
iii) Limited passengers are allowed to travel. | There is no limit for passengers. |
iv) Ticket booking is not easy. | Ticket Booking is easy. |
Trumpeting | Making a loud noise | உரத்த சப்பதம் செய்தல் |
Chugging | Move slowly making regular muffled sounds, as of an engine running slowly | அசைந்து செல்லுதல் |
Coax | Persuade (someone) gently to do something | போக்குகாட்டி தன் வசப்படுத்தல் |
Murmur | To make a low, continuous, indistinct sound; grumble | முணுமுணுத்தல் |
A. Choose the most appropriate option.
1. Merlin was thrilled when the school arranged the trip because ___________ .
- Geetha madam arranged the trip
- She had heard about the beautiful journey by the toy train
- She wanted to visit Ooty
- She loved to go with her friends
Ans : She had heard about the beautiful journey by the toy train
2. The teacher asked the children to take their seat because ___________ .
- the children had to take their breakfast
- she wanted to check whether all the children were present
- the train was about to move
- the train was about to stop
Ans : the train was about to move
3. Geetha madam couldn’t stop the children running out of the train because they _____ .
- wanted to relax themselves
- wanted to see what had happened
- were getting bored sitting inside the train
- wanted to enjoy the beauty of nature
Ans : wanted to see what had happened
4. The people were making all kinds of sounds because ___________ .
- they wanted to move the baby elephant out of the track
- they were afraid
- they were confused
- someone stopped the train
Ans : they wanted to move the baby elephant out of the track
5. We do not really see the landscape from a normal train because the .
- train travels along the city
- train never passes through such places
- windows are closed
- train travels too fast
Ans : train travels too fast
B. Recall Merlin’s memories and complete the story map.
- Merlin’s class teacher arranged a trip to Ooty.
- 20 girls and boys went to the trip by the toy train.
- The train started with a jerk.
- A monkey tried to snatch a banana from a girl.
- The train stopped as a baby elephant was sitting on the track.
- Muthu’s presence of mind helped the baby move out of the track.
- It was a memorable trip for everyone.
- On a normal train ride, we miss the landscape or scenery
- The toy train ride made everyone excited.
C. Narrate the story based on the story map.
Merlin’s class teacher Geetha arranged a trip to Ooty. Twenty girls and boys went to the trip by the toy train. The toy train looked very beautiful. They enjoyed the beautiful misty purple-blue mountain. In the meantime, a monkey tried to snatch a banana from a girl. So she screamed. The train stopped suddenly. To know the reason, Muthu and his friends stepped out of the train. A baby elephant was sitting on the track. Muthu went up to the baby elephant with a bunch of bananas. Just as it moved forward to eat it, he moved backwards. He kept doing this. Finally it moved out of the track. His presence of mind helped the baby move out of the track. The toy train, the wind-swept tea estates, cloud covered mountains, the swaying trees and the beautiful scenery made the trip a memorable one.
D. Write the story in your own words.
Merlin wrote a letter to her friend Malli about her trip to Ooty. Her class teacher Geetha arranged a trip to Ooty. Twenty girls and boys went to the trip by the toy train. The toy train looked very beautiful. They enjoyed the beautiful misty purple-blue mountain. On their way, a baby elephant was sitting on the track. Muthu went up to the baby elephant with a bunch of bananas. Just as it moved forward to eat it, he moved backwards. He kept doing this. Finally it moved out of the track. His presence of mind helped the baby move out of the track. The sight of the tea estates, the monkeys and the elephants made their trip a memorable one.
Paragraph for slow learners |
E. Complete the words by reading their meaning.
- spectacular – eye catching
- excited – thrilled
- delicious – tasty
- scream – shout
- frightened – afraid
F. Now, try splitting each of these words into syllables.
- wonderful – won-der-ful
- behind – be-hind
- bananas – ba-na-nas
- excitement – ex-cite-ment
- snatch – snatch
- windows – win-dows
- thud – thud
- everyone – eve-ry-one
G. Listen to your teacher reading a passage on Udhagamandalam – the Queen of Hill Stations. Tick the appropriate answer.
1. Udhagamandalam is located in the Western Ghats zone at an altitude of ___
- 2045 m
- 2240 m
- 2234 m
- 2040 m
Ans : 2240 m
2. Centuries ago Udhagamandalam was called ____
- Ooty
- Otacamund
- Oththai-Kal Mandu
- Mund
Ans : Oththai-Kal Mandu
3. The maximum summer temperature of Udhagamandalam is ____
- 10°c
- 25°c
- 5°c
- 20°c
Ans : 25°c
4. Udhagamandalam was inhibited by tribals called __________.
- Toda
- Irula
- Mund
- Britons
Ans : Toda
5. Ooty was the Summer Capital of the __________during the British Rule.
- British
- Todas
- Tourists
- Madras Presidency
Ans : Madras Presidency
H. Travelling can help a person to understand and appreciate different places. Discuss in groups and talk about the places you have visited recently. Present your experiences to the class.
Travelling can help a person to understand and appreciate different places. | Travelling is not merely going from one place to another and back. It is the journey and observations that matter. During travel, we will see things beyond our imagination. Travel changes our perspective of the world. Travel broadens our perspective and mind. It helps us to think outside of our safe little bubble of a world. We can gain more knowledge about around us. It is true that travel broadens our mind. |
The places I have visited recently and my experiences | It was my first trip to Chidambaram (Velankanni / Nagoor) . It is a beautiful holy city. It became best tour of my life. We went to the Natarajar temple (the Church / the Dargah) and enjoy the art and architecture. It took half-a-day. And then we went to Pichavaram forest (Tranquber). There we saw Mangrove forests (old Danish Fort). We enjoyed the boat ride (the beach) very much. I never forget the trip. It is a memorable trip for me. |
I. Look at the picture of a village festival carefully. Talk about the activities that are going on by using the hints given in the help box.
About the place and the people — what is happening: what do the children and the adults do? – kind of shops – performances | |
![]() | THIRUVIZHA It is a village festival. The name of the festival is “Amman Thiruvizha”. They are celebrating the festival in a very grand manner. The children are buying ice-creams in this picture. The adults are pulling the car (Ther). There are lot of fancy and toy shops. They sell cosmetics, toys, balloon etc. We can see here the traditional dance Karakattam with the musical performance. This type of festivals strengthen the unity of the people as well as they make everyone happy. UNITY IS STRENGTH |
J. Read the sentences given below. Does the action happen every day or is it happening at this moment?
Deepa waters the plants every morning. | Every day |
A triangle has three sides. | Every day |
Sandhya is writing a letter. | At this moment |
The children are playing in the garden. | At this moment |
I go to school regularly. | Every day |
K. Read the sentences given below and circle the verbs appropriately.
- Children like / likes ice-creams.
- Birds is flying / are flying in the sky.
- The doctor is treating / are treating the patient.
- Our school is commencing / commences at 9.00 in the morning.
- The florist sell / sells flowers on the street.
L. Vimala and Srinath have met after a long time. Read the conversation given below and complete the dialogue. Role play the situation with your own words.
Vimala : Hello Srinath, I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where are you rushing off?
Srinath : I am going to hospital.
Vimala : Why are you going to hospital? Are you ill?
Srinath : No, I am going to see my friend.
Vimala : Oh! What happened to him?
Srinath : He is suffering from Dengue fever.
Vimala : Are you free tomorrow?
Srinath : Yes, I am free.
Vimala : You are in a hurry, meet you tomorrow. Take care.
Srinath : Ok! Bye.
M. Sinduja is getting ready to sleep. She starts writing her diary. Help her complete it by using the verbs given in brackets.
(start eat have finish go reach)
- I got up at 7’O clock.
- I ate breakfast.
- I went to office by car.
- I started to work.
- I had lunch at 1.30 p.m
- I finished my task at 7 p.m.
- I reached home at 8 p.m.
N. Read the sentences carefully and fill in the blanks with suitable tense form of the verbs given in brackets.
- The doorbell rang, while I was doing (do) my homework.
- We saw an elephant, while we were going (go) on a trip to Ooty.
- Mary fell asleep while she was reading (read) a book.
- The television was on but nobody was watching (watch) it.
- Baskaran hurt his hand while he was cutting (cut) mangoes.
I | ☑ I saw him yesterday. | The present perfect is a present tense. It can’t be used with adverbs of past time. |
I will call you when dinner | ☑ I will call you when dinner is ready. | When the verb in the main clause is in the future tense, the verb in the subordinate clause should be in the present and not in the future. |
I | ☑ I get up every day at 6 a.m. | Habitual action should be in simple present tense. |
I | ☑ I think it’s an interesting book. | When using ‘think’ to express an opinion, do not use the continuous form of the verb. |
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